Thoughts on Supernatural 12.20: Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.20: Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes

Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes had all the perfect ingredients and knew exactly how to blend them in the perfect storm of an episode. Excitement, emotion, drama, cliffhangers and action, 12.20 delivered a quick-moving storyline and left this audience member surprised to see the forty-two minutes were gone already, exceedingly pleased with how it…

Threads: Supernatural 12.20 “Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes”

Threads: Supernatural 12.20 “Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes”

The Morning After Well that was a depressing, nobody wins episode! Supernatural’s “Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes” (“Tasha”) brought back twin hunters Alicia and Max Banes, who I have loved since their introduction in “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox” (what’s with these LONG episode names??). I eagerly awaited their return, hoping for many…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.19 – “The Future”

Huh, that was interesting.  That’s good “interesting.”  I can’t explain how or why, but I thought this was a well done hour.  I’ve been really missing Castiel and I’ve been skeptical about this whole Luci baby drama.  I like this turn.  Is the baby good or evil?  Please let it be good.  That would be…