TV Fanatic Supernatural Roundtable 9.14 – “Captives”

It’s that time again!  Time for the Supernatural roundtable at TV Fanatic!  Myself, Sean McKenna, and Carissa Pavlicia again had several things to talk about.  Angels, ghosts, and brotherly conflicts give us a lot to ponder! Here’s Sean McKenna’s review too.  He really loved it.  He gives is a 4.5 out of 5.0….

Excerpt for an Interview with the Ghostfacers from Supernatural

So, what’s the scoop on the Ghostfacers’ return to Supernatural? “Uhhh, we’re back?” actor A.J. Buckley says with a laugh. He’s kidding, but not really. He confirms lead Ghostfacers Harry Spangler (Travis Wester) and Ed Zeddmore (Buckley) are back on the popular CW series, but can’t share any tasty tidbits beyond the following:

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.14- “Captives”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.14- “Captives”

Everyone in “Captives” was held hostage at some point. This took physical form—restraints, holding cells, and locked doors. People were handcuffed or tied. Some were chained. Others were bound to the physical plane while being a spirit. In truth, however, everyone was held captive by the same thing in the end: grief. Each character seemed…