Thoughts on Supernatural 13.14: “Good Intentions”

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.14: “Good Intentions”

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.14: “Good Intentions” “Good Intentions” was a rock solid episode in nearly every respect. This was quick paced, emotionally catching, character motivated, action based and plot-driving. And let’s not overlook the beautiful visuals that we are offered in Apocalypse Universe either! Where to even begin when talking about this one?

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.12 “Various and Sundry Villains”

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.12 “Various and Sundry Villains”

Soulful and sad, humorous and heartfelt, “Sundry” was a little bit of everything mixed together for a genuine and forward-moving presentation on PTSD, old friends and lessons learned. Not to mention witches, zombies and Lucifer and Cas’ too. But where did it all leave us, at the mid-season point in the grand scheme of the…

The Boys Are Back In Town (Probably Time to Flee)

The Boys Are Back In Town (Probably Time to Flee)

Happy 13th year of the Winchesters and all the weird, chaotic, dramatic – often emotionally overwhelming adventures that we have had together! As we go forward into what undoubtedly promises to be new and as yet unexplored territory with Sam and Dean – alternate worlds and what-if universes – I thought it would be fun…

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.05 “Advanced Thanatology”

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.05 “Advanced Thanatology”

This was an episode of “Supernatural” where all the elements came together and delivered. Interesting, if classic, plot-of-the-week, brothers on the road, emotion and angst and a major plot advancement/reveal for the grand scheme of the “Supernatural” world. Yes, this is the type of episode where the simple all clicks together and works.