Bardic’s Descant: 6:14 – I Had To Deal With My Past Year, You Gotta Deal With Yours

Bardic’s Descant: 6:14 – I Had To Deal With My Past Year, You Gotta Deal With Yours

6.14  Mannequin 3: The Reckoning:  I Had To Deal With My Past Year, You Gotta Deal With Yours Shy girl’s vengeful ghost Targets men whose prank killed her. Dean gets parent-trapped. Episode Summary   Alone, helpless, desperate, and very afraid, Dean tried to revive Sam from the seizure he suffered at the end of Unforgiven,…

Bardic’s Descant:  6.13 Unforgiven: You Killed One Monster, You Made So Many More

Bardic’s Descant: 6.13 Unforgiven: You Killed One Monster, You Made So Many More

6.13  Unforgiven:  You Killed One Monster, You Made So Many More Sam’s forgotten past Spins a present spider trap; Memories surface.    Episode Summary   A year earlier in Bristol, Rhode Island, Sam coldly fired his gun at four separate targets as Samuel Campbell uncomfortably looked on, and they left the building burning behind them….

Supernatural University:  Analysis of a (Reformed) Mid-life Spoiler Junkie [Contains No Spoilers]

Supernatural University: Analysis of a (Reformed) Mid-life Spoiler Junkie [Contains No Spoilers]

Why do some people crave spoilers, and others hate them? What drives spoiler junkies and spoiler phobes, and where are you on the continuum? Welcome to a very personal psychological case study of spoiler schizophrenia at Supernatural University. I’m not analyzing anyone or anything else this time: I’m under my own microscope. You can join me…