“The Girl Next Door” Review:  I’m a Freak But I’m Managing It

“The Girl Next Door” Review: I’m a Freak But I’m Managing It

“I’m a Grade A Freak. But I’m managing it.”    “The Girl Next Door” revives several issues that have been lingering since the Pilot itself. While the boys recover from the Leviathan attack, Sam investigates murders linked to a case he solved as a teenager. The monster this time is a kitsune, and they feed…

Alice’s Review – “The Girl Next Door” aka “Oh Show, What Happened?”

Alice’s Review – “The Girl Next Door” aka “Oh Show, What Happened?”

Oh show, why did you have to go and do that?  Things were going so well.  The brothers were working through their issues, they finally had that old bond back, the excitement was up to eleven, plots made logical sense…What happened?  As I thought about the words to convey how disheartened “The Girl Next Door”…

Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.03 –  “The Girl Next Door”

Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.03 – “The Girl Next Door”

For the second week in a row we finished with an open-ended episode, meaning this week we pick up the Winchester’s plight right where we left off.  Bobby and Cass are MIA (and no I don’t think Cass is dead) and the monsters, who have been trapped in Purgatory since the beginning of time, have…

VanCon APB: Beware of This Dangerous Killer!

HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?   Authorities in Vancouver and the Sheraton Wall Centre are warning all citizens to be on the lookout for this white male, early 30’s, 6′ 1″.  He’s considered armed and dangerous.   At approx 2:30 PDT, Jensen Ackles, an actor for the TV show “Supernatural,” committed a brutal homicide on stage…

The Texas Boys

The Texas Boys

Jensen Ross Ackles and Jared Tristan Padalecki both hail from Texas and they credit their similar Southern upbringings with their instant connection. “Texas is its own country,” says Ackles. “Things are just different there.” The lighthearted banter and genuine affection that bonds the Winchester brothers also exists between their portrayers. According to Jared, “We both…have…

Jared and Jensen Panel – Chicago Con – Part Two

Jared and Jensen Panel – Chicago Con – Part Two

For those that missed part one, it can be found here:  https://www.thewinchesterfamilybusiness.com/article-list/33-con-reports/3791-jared-and-jensen-panel-chicago-con-part-one.html Before I go onto part two, I can honestly say I’ve done of ton of these detailed recaps of panels and events.  Heck, I did 26 of them from Comic con.  However, I have never, ever run into someone harder to recap than Jared Padalecki. …

Jared and Jensen Panel – Chicago Con – Part One

Jared and Jensen Panel – Chicago Con – Part One

I’m summarizing as fast as I can!  The difficulty is that our beloved ginormotron talks a mile a minute.  Here’s part one.  I’m still hammering out part two. ————————————— Yes Sunday comes, and to quote an overused Supernatural saying, all hell breaks loose. The previous day’s three fourth’s full theater complete with breathing room becomes an overcrowded…