SPN909HD 1057

sweetondean’s wrap-up of the “Supernatural” mid-season finale: “Holy Terror”

  I woke up the morning after “Holy Terror” with images in my mind of Kevin Tran’s smouldering empty eyesockets, Sam’s feet going up the stairs and Dean in a crumpled mess on the bunker floor crying one perfect tear and saying “Kevin….Kevin.” Those images have been bouncing around in my brain ever since this…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×09 “Holy Terror”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×09 “Holy Terror”

If you have not seen tonight’s midseason finale, then well you’re about to get some spoilers. Ahoy, maties.  Brief recap: This midseason finale begins with an angel fight between a group of Jesus Glee angel girls and biker angel boys. The girls win. This scene sets up the “war” between Bartholomew’s group and other angels…