The Heavenly Host: Supernatural’s Most Memorable Angels

The Heavenly Host: Supernatural’s Most Memorable Angels

Do angels exist? Christian, Hebrew and Muslim religious texts abound with references to the heavenly host. Within Supernatural, the concept of angels was first explored in 2.13 “Houses of the Holy.” This is when we learned that a young, narrow-minded Dean was absolutely certain angels didn’t exist. Sam, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure….

S15 Hiatus Pic fr Jensen

Supernatural Characters Send Messages to Team Free Will

To boost the spirits of the Supernatural cast during filming, pass on some fun messages during the the final year of Supernatural, and as a gift to fans who were missing the show, a member of the SPNFamily, Kas (Capt_FrightNite on Twitter), reached out to cast members of Supernatural during COVID lockdown to request Cameo…

Supernatural Retro Recap: “The French Mistake” Part Two

Supernatural Retro Recap: “The French Mistake” Part Two

Missed part one of the recap?  It can be found here.  Okay, get ready, for this is the absolute craziest, bat-shit, most absurd, ballsiest, funniest, shattering the fourth wall into tiny little dimensions scene that has EVER aired on network television.  Hell, it beats just about anything ever shot.  This is Mr. Edlund’s legacy right…

Supernatural Retro Recap: “The French Mistake” Part One

Supernatural Retro Recap: “The French Mistake” Part One

Oh boy, I’ve been dying to do a full, detailed recap of this episode for a long time.  Actually, I started this last year and found it half finished in my WIP folder.  This episode is too memorable to let it linger in WIP.   This isn’t just another memorable Ben Edlund episode, no siree. …

Bardic’s Descant: 6.22 I’m Not Leaving My Brother Alone Out There

Bardic’s Descant: 6.22 I’m Not Leaving My Brother Alone Out There

6.22  The Man Who Knew Too Much:  I’m Not Leaving My Brother Alone Out There   Memory endgame: Castiel drops Sam’s mind-wall, Takes a power trip.   Episode Summary   Fleeing from the police at night, Sam took shelter in a closed bar. The pretty bartender, wanting no trouble, asked him to leave, but relented…