Caption This! #410
It’s the beginning of the week, it must be time for another Caption This! contest. Nate certainly gave you all a run for your money with last week’s selection. I think it perplexed most. The entries were certainly lighter than usual.
While Nate can’t turn down some good toilet humor, I tend to favor short, sweet ones that nail something than can apply to all characters in the caption. One entry did this the best. Congrats Marion!
This week, I’m veering in another direction! I am working on a “Reviews That I Missed” article for episode 13.05, Advanced Thanatology, this week. When going through our captions for that episode, one caught my attention! Maybe it’s because I’ve been fixing our archives over the last year and I’ve had to fix all my Enigma of Sam Winchester’s Hair articles. I realize after seeing this one, I never did one for seasons 11-15. Maybe someday. This would certainly make the cut!
So, what would YOU caption about Sam’s hair? I’m dying to see your comments, since I’ve only ever documented my own observations on the subject. Or, it doesn’t have to be about hair. What’s Sam thinking in general? This screen cap does have kind of a “floor, thud, me” vibe. There are no rules, only fun.
Instructions on How to Enter
Scroll down to Disqus below:
Click on one of the icons to log in with an existing social media account (Discord, Facebook, X, Google, etc) or click the “Name” box that is next to all the icons. It will bring up the following screen:
There you can create a Disqus account, or you can check “I’d rather post as a guest” (that small check box after the 5 terms and conditions) and provide a screen name (that will be posted with your caption) and your email address (which will NOT be posted. It just keeps out all the spam responses). Enter your Caption in the “Join the Discussion” text box then hit the arrow to submit.
Here are the past winners:

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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