Caption This! 402 – Thanksgiving Edition
I don’t think I’ve ever run a Caption This! contest around Thanksgiving. Or, we did and didn’t care what week it was. No matter, because Supernatural gave us some Thanksgiving material to work with because they love us!
But first, how about I announce the winner for the Caption This! #401 contest? This was hard. It came down to two possible winners and in the end, I decided it just wasn’t worth the stress to decide. So both are winners! Congrats to Alycat22 and palidinteacher!
Now, for the Caption This! #402 contest. As I said, it’s Thanksgiving week. There were two Supernatural episodes that showed Thanksgiving scenes. So, I decided I’ll take a screen cap from each. Given it’s a holiday, I think you all can handle one little extra caption for the week. Okay, Nate may not be happy with me since he has to choose the winners, but both of these are too good!
First, from episode 5.16 – “Dark Side of The Moon”
Second, from episode 15.14 – “Last Holiday”
So, time to Caption This! And Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the US. Consider this a belated greeting to Canada too. May your holiday be filled with caption ideas.
Instructions on How to Enter
Scroll down to Disqus below:
Click on one of the icons to log in with an existing social media account (Discord, Facebook, X, Google, etc) or click the “Name” box that is next to all the icons. It will bring up the following screen:
There you can create a Disqus account, or you can check “I’d rather post as a guest” (that small check box after the 5 terms and conditions) and provide a screen name (that will be posted with your caption) and your email address (which will NOT be posted. It just keeps out all the spam responses). Enter your Caption in the “Join the Discussion” text box then hit the arrow to submit.
Here are the past winners:
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