Supernatural Spoiler Roundup, October 3rd
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but enough has happened in the last few weeks where there’s some pretty interesting things to report.
– More episode titles are being revealed. Last we left off, we were at 9.07. Here’s 9.08 and 9.09.
9.08 – “Rock and a Hard Place”
9.09 – “Holy Terror”
9.09 seems like a pretty intense one, and judging by the cast sheet looks like it might serve as a midseason finale. They are looking to cast an angel named Malachi, who is getting together an angel army of some kind. He’s not the warm and fuzzy type by the sound of it either. As in join me or die type thing.
– We’re getting a good idea of who’s writing the upcoming episodes too. Here’s a breakdown from what I know:
9.01 (production 9.02) – Jeremy Carver
9.02 (production 9.01) – Andrew Dabb
9.03 – Eugenie Ross Leming and Brad Buckner
9.04 – Robbie Thompson
9.05 – Adam Glass
9.06 – Eric Charmelo and Nicole Snyder
9.07 – Robert Berens
9.08 – Jenny Klein
– Also, it looks like 9.05 will be directed by 1st AD Kevin Parks, and 9.08 will be directed by 1st AD John McCarthy. This will be the second episode to direct for each! I guess they both made great impressions the first time.
– It looks like Dean and Castiel will not have their first scene together until episode 9.07. That one is written by new writer Robert Berens. Granted, this isn’t really confirmed, it’s just based on what’s leaked out. Misha Collins did tell our press table at Comic Con that Castiel would be pretty much out on his own and not interacting with Sam and Dean.
– Speaking of Castiel (yes, this is pretty old news by now), he’s getting a love interest. She will be played by Shannon Lucio, of The O.C. fame. Her character’s name is April Kelly and she will appear in the 3rd episode.
– This is the good news that’s already been said by Jerry Wanek on Twitter and a few others, but we have more specifics. There will be more rooms revealed in the Men of Letters Bunker. According to the report at ScreenFad, who had a set visit yesterday, baby gets her garage! I guess the outcries from the fans were enough for that one.
We’ll also see the kitchen, more bedrooms, and there’s even a computer room. Considering that’s from the 50’s, I’m assuming that’s one of those old UNIVAC type computer rooms with vacuum tubes and punch cards, right? Where it took a whole wall sized unit to process one form? Me being an IT person by trade, I’m very curious to see where that goes.
That’s all I’ve got for now, but I highly suspect more things will be leaking out as the season kicks off here in just six days! Whoo hoo!
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