Motivational Messages – Weekend At Bobby’s
Re-live some fond memories of your pleasant Weekend At Bobby’s. You idgit.
(Admin note: Â In honor of this Thanksgiving Day here in the US, we are reposting a special holiday WFB Short Attention Span Theater from two years ago. Â Have a very special day!) All of us at the Winchester Family Business wish that everyone out there have very Happy Thanksgiving. Â And now your present. Â A…
Welcome to another heart crusher. Â We’ve spent so much time analyzing “You Can’t Handle The Truth” on the site and after going through this I still found some new things. Â So let’s dig in. Â Calumet City, IL, which puts us on the south end of Chicago. Â A lot in Illinois this year. Â At least…
As we continue with our “Hiatus Hunting” for “The French Mistake”, we are thrilled to rerun two masterful reviews that look at the production and meta aspects of the episode. The nuances offered by these insightful examinations reveal the quality and depth of meaning that permeated so many levels of this episode, making it a…
I wanted to love it, I really did. But…  You know I’m a real fan and “Mannequin 3: The Reckoning” has so much to offer. For one, it’s a Dean Winchester character examination fiesta. It’s a long overdue look at those still lingering wounds inside, ones that have been hinted every time he looked…
This is an episode that helps me to understand a comment Jensen said earlier about so much being in the episodes that there just wasn’t enough time. Â When I first watched this episode I thought, this is boring, disjointed, disconnected, poorly timed, way too talky and frustrating. Â Upon my second viewing it got a bit…
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Starting where we left off last week, Dean is fruitlessly trying to bring Sam back to consciousness. He calls his name, feels his pulse, touches his head, looks up in despair. “SAMMY!” he yells desperately–“come on, damn it!” Sam’s eyes open, and the hellfire inside recedes….
Loved them! My fave? Pole Dancing. 😀 Too funny. Saw a glimpse of our old Sammy there!
Seasoning: Honest to God, first thing I thought of when I saw it, ‘Oh, Bobby’s making a salad’
Pole Dancing: That hooker was teaching him to pole dance! I knew Sammy wasn’t paying for sex.
The Castle Aaargh: Oh, they should have come visit me. Course, first they’d have to pass through the Cave of Caerbannog so I hope they are men of valour, for the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived. Bones of full fifty men lie strewn about its lair. So, Sam and Dean, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits them both with nasty, big, pointy teeth…… Sorry
Ardeospina, I know you’re sick of hearing this, but you completely rock. You do.
Yep .. two thumbs up for “Pole Dancing” we need more shirtless Sam though. I feel those would be very .. uh .. MOTIVATIONAL!! 😈
You forgot the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch, Flamey! Do you happen to know whether the guys might carry it? Ah, well, are they capable of counting to three?
Love these!
And Tim: I’m pretty sure that likes to hear about the rocking bit. She tends to be too humble sometimes – which is such a sweet thing about you, Flamey, as you do rock!
Love always, Jas
I second no wait third that statement. You rock Arde
My favourite: no wait impossible can’t pick love them all. Thanks dear
Arde, as usual these are wonderful!!!
Love Bobby as the ‘chef’ … just needed his Kiss the Cook apron from Season 4’s Sex and Violence.
Sam and the pole dancing…he’s not too bad!
Okay, I laughed out loud when I saw “Not the droid…” It just tickled the Star Wars geek in me. Ardeospina, as usual these are just awesome.
My favorite of this lot – “Pole Dancing”. 🙂
I loved these Arde as usual , my fav has to be the pole dancing, but the castle set me off again! Their mother was NOT a hamster and I would never dare say their father smells of elderberries or I would invoke the Wrath of Yvonne ( again ).
Thanks Ju x
Arde Rocks … Geddit? Oh well, never mind …
Rufus = Lando 😆 Er, that makes Bobby Han. Um … Not in that hat, sorry!
Aaargh! Of course! All the castle needs is a catapulted cow or two to complete the atmosphere! ( and a few knights/ police cars/horribly mangled history professors … )
Jasminka, Dean would never use the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch. You know how he feels about rabbits.
They’ll have to try to outsmart it somehow. Perhaps if they built a large wooden badger….. (Slap)
I’m stopping now…
I love the Pole Dancing and Clown Car. The thought of our boys stuffed into a small car like that, too cute.
Yeah, the pole dancing is def my fav. He definately needs to work on his routine.
And Julie, my wrath is not just averted but confused. Hampster? Elderberries? WHAT are you talking about? Reference lost.
But I’ll throw in a protective/comforting “I’m with you Papa John!” just in case. 🙂
Oh and I’ll definately play copy cat.
Arde, you Rock so much we’ll have to start calling you Dwayne.
Thanks for commenting, everyone! In reply…
Rose, I’m pretty sure Sam paid his way through Stanford by doing some dancing, right?
Tim the Enchanter (some call you?) Never be sorry for Monty Python monologing! And as a random aside, did I ever tell you that in high school, some friends and I got together and played on a team in an indoor soccer league, and we were the Monty Pythons. Everyone picked their favorite character to have as their name on the back, and one guy was Tim? with the question mark and everything. Good times. I was Roger the Shrubber, but Tim? was my second choice!
Also, stop, I’m blushing! I do not rock, but I do sometimes roll.
dmakdavis, I’m sure if I ever made any posters of Sam shirtless pole dancing it would be VERY motivational…we’d all be motivated to sit at our computers and stare all day long.
Jas, I am pretty sure Dean has the holy hand grenade rolling around in the trunk. He keeps forgetting and counting to five, though. It’s unfortunate!
Really, stop it! I’m super blushing. Of course it’s flattering to hear that people like you, but really! The lot of you!
Yirabah, your thirding has been duly noted in today’s meeting notes. Motion carries!
Elle2, yes, the kiss the cook apron! Perfect!!!!
Jeannine, glad you liked the Star Wars reference! I love it when they get all geeky on the show, and that drawing of Rufus really reminded me of Billy Dee Williams!
CitizenKane2, yay! Glad you like it. Too bad that wasn’t a long-angle shot, though, huh?
Julie, I love elderberries, so if John smelled like them, that would be points in favor. I also read your comment in an outrageous French accent.
Suze, no, I don’t get it! =( And of course that was the castle AAAARGH! Perhaps Bobby was dictating when he told them where to go…
Tim again, you got us all worked up! I soiled my armor I was so scared. I’m watching you…
Evelyn, that really was a small car for them, no? It’s definitely no Impala!
Yvonne, Julie was making a Monty Python reference there. A French soldier taunts King Arthur by telling him his mother was a hamster and his father smelt of elderberries. It’s a classic scene. Classic.
And a wrestling joke! Ha!! Good one! I guess my new motto will have to be “Can you smell-lalalala what the Arde is postering?!?!?”
The pole dancing one is an epic win!
Hi Ardeospina
Once again this was fantastic.
I love your sense of humour.
The Pole Dancing is my favourite, and I would love to visit Castle AAArgh, trolls, killer rabbits and all.